Advisory | Representation | Consulting | Business Development
T&Team Partners is focused on high-volume energy commodities match-making, as well as on other carefully-selected products, leveraging its extensive global networks, with intimate relations to significant buyers and sellers.
In addition to making its own selected sourcing, T&Team Partners performs, on behalf of its buyers and sellers networks, a rigorous selection of products and suppliers, saving them considerable time and resources and introducing them to the best available products, suppliers and customers.
T&Team Partners is located in Dubai, London, Paris, Geneva, and TelÂ-Aviv, and with affiliates and partners around the world, in order to leverage its unique position and relationships both with its customers and suppliers, thus allowing an effective connection between the parties and creating the ground for an efficient dealÂmaking.
Buyers and sellers are introduced in a minimum time, efficiently and effectively to the adequate partner and benefit from T&Team Partners' many years of dealÂ-making experience and track record.
The concentration on a small number of customers, products, and suppliers at a time allows T&Team Partners to dedicate to each deal the maximum attention and focus it requires in order to achieve tangible results.